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  • meganwalker36

"Lights, Camera... I'll think about it!"

Lights, Camera... I’ll think about it.

Not quite as motivating that one is it? 😂

Nope! When you hear ‘action’ on a film set, it’s go time!

Even Meryl Streep just has to get on with it!

It is a common belief that you have to find the motivation to start something.

When in reality, you often have to start to find motivation.

Words without actions are just words.

A plan without action is just a plan.

Motivation isn’t going to come knocking on your door and pack your gym bag for you.

Pack your gym bag yourself the night before.

It’s a simple and small step but it’s a start.

And once you start things tend to snow ball.

Put your bag somewhere you can’t miss it.

Write down/ Print off your plan for that session.

Block out in your calendar the time you are going.

You’re appointment with yourself is now booked (sorry, it’s a no cancellation policy!)

Grab your bag.

Go and get your training session done.

Get those endorphins flowing.


You’ll find motivation on the way.

Gym bag, Plan… Action!!!! 🎬

Let’s go!!! 🚀

Big love, Meg 💛✨

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