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  • meganwalker36

Law of attr(action)

I would definitely consider myself a spiritual person.

I believe there is something greater than myself.

I believe in owning your desires and speaking or writing them out into the universe.

I believe that where your focus goes, energy flows.

I try to always put my energy into thinking positively.

But I also believe that the law of attraction is not possible without ACTION.

I’m not going to find love by staying in my house. I have to physically put myself in spaces that bring me joy. Spaces that I would love to share with someone else.

I’m not going to find adventure by doing what I’ve always done. I have to wander off my usual path and explore a new route.

I’m not going to get a promotion without putting in the work to earn one. Without asking for the recognition that I deserve.

I’m not going to feel respected by others without creating clear boundaries.

I’m not going to lower my fat percentage without being in a calorie deficit. Without eating less or moving more.

You deserve to have the life you want. You can have the life you want. But nobody is going to live life for you.

The universe is on your side. There is something greater than yourself. But first you’ve got to do something greater FOR yourself.

And I know the first step is often the hardest. But it’s also the most important.

It won’t be easier on Monday. It won’t be a better time next month. It won’t wait until the conditions are perfect because perfect doesn’t exist.

Take the first step now and start building that momentum for change.

I’m here to support you. I’m here to educate. I’m here to coach.

I have new 1-1 coaching spots opening if you want help creating a plan and taking action. My messages are always open.

As Maya Angelou so eloquently said, “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it”.

Big love, Meg 💛✨ xx

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